Third IEEE UK&I YP Postgrad STEM Research Symposium
The future of STEM in a shifting landscape
Wednesday, 10th November 2021
The IEEE Young Professionals, UK & Ireland Section, is hosting a virtual postgraduate STEM research symposium

This FREE ONE DAY symposium is an opportunity for early career STEM researchers, especially PGRs (PhD and MPhil), to present their research, receive feedback, and explore the possibilities of turning research to enterprise.
The first symposium held at the University of Chester in 2018
The symposium is open to professionals and students across the country and beyond and we are now accepting submissions of abstracts for research work for oral and poster presentations. No full paper submission is required. The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 18th October 2021 and free registration is open until the same date. There is a chance to win research quality and best presentation awards (4 awards in all).
Non presenting participants are also invited to register. Registration is required in order to receive joining instructions.
The second symposium held at the University of Leeds in 2019
Symposium Features
The event focuses on research presentations, posters, keynote, panel discussion, workshop, awards, and a networking event with Industry participation. See the event flyer
Keynote and workshop:
Learn from notable experts as they deliver keynote talks on various STEM topics.
Participants are invited to submit abstracts of their research for oral/poster presentation at the symposium. The submissions will be classified and presented through different tracks. This is not a peer reviewed conference and full paper submission is not required – the idea here is to give participants the opportunity to discuss their research before an unfamiliar audience and get feedback which will help them improve their work for subsequent presentations. A poster session will allow participants to interact with different researchers on their displayed research topics.
What participants said about the first symposium
Panel Discussion
Panelists to briefly introduce/discuss their outlined focus areas and to field questions from the participants and share their experiences and perspectives. The panel discussion on ‘The future of STEM in a shifting landscape’ will cover the following areas:
- Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence
- Regulations in medical devices
- Blockchain technology
- 5/6G technology
The IEEE UK & Ireland Young Professionals is sponsoring Judges’ and Audience’s Choice awards for “Best Oral Presentation” and “Best Poster Presentation”. Each award is up to £100