Wednesday 28th November 2018
IEEE UK & Ireland YP Postgraduate STEM Research Symposium
Hosted by the Department of Computer Science, University of Chester
IEEE UK & Ireland Young Professionals and the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chester cordially invite you to their inaugural postgraduate research STEM symposium.
This single day event is an opportunity for early career STEM researchers, especially PGRs (PhD and MPhil), to present their research, receive feedback, and explore the possibilities of turning research to enterprise.
The symposium is open to research professionals and students across the country and beyond and we are now accepting submissions of posters, papers and research to enterprise pitches.
Explore the symposiumChurchill House, Queen's Park Campus, University of Chester
The sympsoium venue, once the historical Western Command headquarters during World War Two
The VenueChurchill House, Queen's Park Campus, University of Chester
The sympsoium venue, once the historical Western Command headquarters during World War Two
The Venue